History was made on August 16th 2024, with the first ever conviction of a rhino syndicate crime boss – except it did not happen in South Africa, home to nearly 80% of the world’s rhino population, and a country still without #RhinoLaws.

For the last decade, one kick-ass woman - Jamie Joseph - has been relentlessly fighting the South African government to introduce minimum sentencing for rhino poaching. And believe me when I say, she puts her life on the line doing so... many have already died trying to protect these majestic creatures.

Her charity - Saving the Wild - is far reaching, and collaborates with other fearless fighters, like Jane Goodall. With an over-riding mission to  'protect the extraordinary, but vanishing'.

Having spent time with Jamie in South Africa in 2024, I can testify that she is most fiercely passionate, fearless, bad-ass woman I have ever met. And I think Hollywood star Margot Robbie would agree - Jamie is the inspiration for the rhino movie she is currently producing through her company Lucky Chap. 

Help us support Jamie, and Saving The Wild by purchasing any charity item on this page, and we'll donate 100% of profits to Saving The Wild.

Marnie xx